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    a young boy
        in a skeleton suit

    gray doves
        strung on a wire

Mistletoe falling
    slowly fading
        shotgun blast


In this cove
    waves stirring
        palm frond reflections

Slug pocked sign
    rusting testimony to
        a day's bad hunting

Night wind
        loose weatherproofing


Blue sea
    bobbing red and white
        lobster trap buoy

Tree covered campus
    is this the same park I dreamed
        in childhood dreams?

Light breeze
    striding across campus
        a thin professor


Christmas vacation
    tame ducks starving
        by the campus lake

New Year's Eve
    moon shining on tinsel
        Christmas tree wake

Spring sun
    melting children's snow fort


First spring rain
        crossing the road

First green appearing
    buds on the new stake hedge
        and chameleons

Bay wind blowing
    Coconut Grove sailboats
        tinkling rigging


Lobster antennas
    waving from the twin caves
        of a cement block

The flower
    of this old tree
        a treehouse

green garden hose
        a rainbow


stone house
    the roof demolished
        wallpapers flowers sun

Tropical gardens
    in rough patio stones
        gray sea fan fossils

Cavern pool
    tourists watching
        blind fish


Easter Love-In
    a longhaired child
        handing out fruit

Summer moonlight
    rotting on our roof
        a starfish

Summer rented house
    behind closed windows
        a mummified frog


    butterflies, flowers

    leaves pressing
        church window


T V A lake
    beneath calm water
        Almond City

L S D 
    these clouds reveal too much

    sheep grazing
        among gravestones


Piccadilly Circus
    Cupid's fountain spraying

Mounted sailfish
    lining the walls
        of Nassau airport

    black paint on pink brick
        U.U. swastika A.. A.


Brighton Beach sharp rocks
    stumbling bather reveals
        smooth round young breasts

Channel marker
    and perched birds
        pointing home

Night beach
    lovers sharing
        lifeguard stands


Western version "LSD" haiku

the writing on every wall
messages growing on every tree

and in a water crystal strung sky
iconic clouds shift to clearly reveal

                                                        the moon


Time for Peace Poems

Ceremonial Smile of the Flower Children

    glimpsed Shantih* lightens my mind
    allswell allowing a smile
    which remains without remembering why

            * Shantih, the Peace Which
               Passeth Understanding


                Full Lotus

Lethe, body resting
the thin white stream
released like spider strands
(another of nature's soft ladders)
climbing higher to its source
        subtly      expanding




There is something between a flower and a gem
    something between love and fidelity
           your eyes in mine

eyes are both gem and flower
part iris and part calcite smooth eyeball
           and more
the yearning pupil opens to the mind
where we can see into the depths of each other
like the many meanings in the multi-faceted crystal
the black passage opens to the eternal
living eons longer than doomed diamonds
and brighter than short lived color reflecting flowers
               Your eyes
               Yon eyes
           must be mine sometime

                Poetic Conclusion

Aye, for we are flowers all
Aye, for we are priests all
Aye, for we are poets all
Aye, for we are poet-priests all
Aye, for we shall soon be gods   All


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"Cricket Formations" © Chris Faiers 1969
originally printed in England by C&O PTO, Richmond, Surrey
comments to
revised 4 December 2007